Saturday, April 4, 2009

Conference Bliss

Today I got to try my hand at keeping 7 twelve-fifteen year old kids focused on and paying attention to conference.

I expected it would end up looking something like this.

I have dealt with this age group before.

Yet, to my surprise, IT WORKED! It's amazing to me how pliable and willing this group of youth is! When given a purpose, they can accomplish anything! It's just incredible! We had tickets to the first session and I knew if I didn't do something they'd all be snoozing by the intermission song. So I gave them each a notebook and gave them this assignment. Write down the name of the speaker, at least one thing that they say that applies to you, then title their talk. They all had over a page of notes by the end, no one fell asleep and one of them even said, "Wow! Conference actually makes sense when you listen!" Sadly I didn't think to bring my camera.

The second session wasn't quite as easy, we were at my house with my small children but it still worked. We melted down about half way through and I don't know if anyone got anything out of that last hour, but they all left here excited about watching conference tomorrow.

(At least until one of their Dad's called and informed him that, for the first time in his life, he'd be attending an extra 2 hours of conference tonight! I thought he was going to implode!)

All in all, I'm really feeling great about today. I mean, nothing has blessed my life more than the lessons I've learned from listening to the prophets. If I've succeeded, even a little bit, in passing that blessing on to someone else, I consider it a win!

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